Keep Calm..

sábado, agosto 25, 2012

I'm here to show you some awesome news by [Cynful], -HoD- and (flaunt).
Cynful released this mesh hoodie dress that comes in several options of sizes for I Love SL Fashion.
HoD released those kickass piercings with gauge for HORROR HAUTE and (flaut) made the tattoo I'm wearing and it's only 70L @ Jersey Shore store.
I really hope you like my look!<3

Estou aqui pra te mostrar algumas novidades da  [Cynful], -HoD- e (flaunt).
Cynful lançou este vestido mesh com capuz que vem em vários tamanhos para o I Love SL Fashion.
HoD lançou esses piercings de orelha com alçargadores para o HORROR HAUTE e a  (flaut) fez essa tatuagem da hora que eu estou usando por apenas 70L na loja da  Jersey Shore.
Espero mesmo que você goste do meu look!<3


skin: -Glam Affair - Giselle - Sent to Destroy -
hair: Wasabi Pills - Teeloh
hair base: [Dolly] Shaved Hair Base -Leopard
ear piercings: - .HoD. - Counterpart Ear Piercing & Gauge Set 
chest piercings: - .HoD. - Provocation Piercing Set 
dress: [Cynful] Hoodie it Up - Keep Calm... ~I <3 SL Fashion
bracelets: - .HoD. - Fallen Bracelet
tattoo: (flaunt) Skulls n Bones Leg Tattoo (Black)
boots: [Gos] Triumph Boots for Men - Worn

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