
Reign of Darkness

quinta-feira, outubro 15, 2020



{S0NG} :: Veil Eye (VIP) - Pumpkin 
DOUX - JLOW Hairstyle [M]
:[P]:- Asmodai Reaper Face Tattoo New@The Epiphany
-SU!- Tremere V. FX Makeup 05 -Eyes+Brows+Veins+Contour- Lelutk
-SU!- Scar #01 -Tone 03- (R) -LELUTKA EVO-
Go&See * Raven * Satin ~ Lelutka Applier - NB - BOM
+ Daemonium Tail (bento/b.o.m.) S + {egosumaii}
:[P]:- Asmodai Arms [Legacy] New@The Epiphany
:[P]:- Asmodai Bindi [For Tattoo] New@The Epiphany
:[P]:- Asmodai Boot [Legacy] New@The Epiphany
:[P]:- Asmodai Collar [Legacy] New@The Epiphany
:[P]:- Asmodai Horns New@The Epiphany
:[P]:- Asmodai Panty [Legacy] New@The Epiphany
:[P]:- Asmodai Skirt [Legacy] New@The Epiphany
:[P]:- Asmodai Top [Legacy] New@The Epiphany
[ Conviction ] The Claws V.2 - Legacy F
[BODY] Legacy (f) (1.2.1)
Poses by Go&See



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