Time to say goodbye Vicio SL!

quinta-feira, maio 14, 2015

I would like to thank each one of you who have been supporting Vicio SL blog for all the 4 years of work. Readers and designers, friends and haters.
After alot of thinking I have decided to have a indefinite break.
My real life calls. I miss my friends and they miss me too. SL been full of hate,two faced and negative people and I don't need it.
I know I am lucky for blogging for some of the best brands of Second Life and I LOVE all of you. 
I will be sending a notecard to my blog sponsors.
I'm still around working on my store LUST and as blogger manager. But I can't give what all stores need and deserve.
I am really sorry! Hope you can understand.
Thank you all,
 AliceInChains Arun

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